Ready to make a lifestyle change? The Y has a a solution by participating in YMCA’s Weight Loss Program. It's a great way to learn how to eat healthier, move more and lose weight. There are no gimmicks and no restrictive approaches—just the tools you need to make the necessary changes in your lifestyle to achieve your wellness goals.

This 12 week program at the CitrusClearwater, North Pinellas and Greater Palm Harbor YMCAs provides helpful tips and strategies to incorporate nutrition and physical activity into your lifestyle, while also addressing motivation, obstacles and pitfalls that make losing weight (and keeping it off), especially through the holiday season, such a challenge.


A weekly, group-based, one-hour meeting provides a supportive network of others working on similar goals to help when the going gets tough and to celebrate successes along the way. Join the Y today and get started on creating lasting change!

Program details:

  • 12 weeks - 1 hour session per week
  • Option to continue after 12 weeks
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Designed for people that are new to the Y, but open to all