This course provides participants with the basic knowledge and skills to teach YMCA swim lessons to parent-child pairs, preschoolers, youth and adults. It includes both land and pool sessions, lesson planning, teaching methodology, class organization, class components and skills for the YMCA progressive program. The course also covers the Y's expectations for instructors and outlines their responsibilities for teaching YMCA Aquatics classes that are student centered, values oriented and safe and effective in teaching aquatic skills.

Included in the course is the YMCA Instructor Safety Assistant Module. YMCA Instructor Safety Assistant (YISA), which will be taught by YSL trainers and will replace the YASA prerequisite. The YISA course focuses on how an instructor can assist and help a lifeguard in the event of an emergency in the pool area. It will teach lifeguards who are also swim instructors what role to play during an emergency while they are teaching rather than guarding. YISA is the fifth module within the YSL instructor course and helps reinforce aquatic safety, streamline the training system and decrease the required training hours.

Required Licenses

  • First Aid

  • Oxygen



All participants must also register for this course through the YMCA Exchange Learning and Career Development Center (LCDC) before the first day of class. 

Supervisors please note: The fee for this training will be processed as a journal transfer to the GL account provided by the branch.
